

Tom and Wanda Shaw – In The Beginning
Thomas and Wanda Shaw served as local pastors in various churches throughout the United States for 15 years. While serving in Florida, they were introduced to Spanish-speaking communities, an experience that profoundly impacted their ministry and ignited a calling to serve on the mission field in Latin America.
In 1978, Tom and Wanda accepted the opportunity to serve as missionaries in Guatemala with Living Water Teaching. Together with their four children, they planted churches in the mountain communities, preaching the Gospel until 1981. Many of these churches continue to thrive today.
Tree of Life Ministries
After serving in Guatemala, Tom Shaw was invited to Honduras as a liaison for Living Water Teaching. During his time there, the Lord gave him a vision for a ministry in Honduras, one that would:
1. Unite church leaders,
2. Meet the spiritual needs of the local church, and
3. Provide biblical education to nurture and strengthen the church.
With this vision, Tom and Wanda established Tree of Life Ministries in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, in August 1983. The creation of the Instituto Bíblico Árbol de Vida (Tree of Life Bible Institute) followed shortly after, and within eight years, over 1,500 students from multiple churches graduated, strengthening the spiritual leadership throughout the region.
Pastor Ken Delgado, from The House Church in Palm Bay, shares that the Tree of Life Bible School played a pivotal role in uniting divided churches and stopping the spread of communism from neighboring Nicaragua into Honduras. The legacy of Tom and Wanda Shaw’s leadership continues to be felt today in churches across Honduras.
Plan Escalón – The Vision / The Dream
As Tree of Life Ministries grew, reaching remote communities through evangelism and the Bible school, rural pastors began approaching Tom and Wanda, urging them to open their home to their children so they could continue their education. In many rural areas of Honduras, secondary education was either nonexistent or prohibitively expensive, leaving young people with few opportunities for advancement.
This need led to a shift in the vision for Tree of Life, from simply providing biblical training to empowering the youth of Honduras to break the cycle of poverty through education and spiritual growth.
At a missionary conference, Tom Shaw received a vision of a ladder descending from heaven. After discussing the vision with Pastor Kenny, who was then serving as the Spanish Pastor at Tree of Life’s home church, Victory Christian Center in Palm Bay, the name Plan Escalón was born. The name stands for:
Plan Educacional Secundaria Capacitando el Avance Literal de Obreros Nacionales — which translates to “The Ladder Plan,” providing secondary education to Honduran nationals.
In 1988, Plan Escalón was founded with three campuses:
• 40 students in Yoro,
• 20 students in Santa Barbara, and
• 25 students in La Entrada.
As the program flourished, their needs grew, and in a dream, God revealed a parcel of land. During a scouting trip, Tom saw the very land he had envisioned. This led to the miraculous purchase of property in La Jigua, Copan, where Plan Escalón’s campuses consolidated in 1990. Tom and Wanda served as directors until December 1999, when they retired from the mission field and entrusted Tree of Life Ministries to Dr. Guy Henry, who had served alongside them for three years.
The legacy of over 10,000 graduates remains as a testimony to Tom and Wanda Shaw’s vision and commitment. Many of these graduates have become pastors, business owners, attorneys, politicians, and community leaders, shaping every sphere of influence across Honduras.

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